Ser consciente de
Today we are going to learn the meaning of "Be aware of" in Spanish
Be aware of means "Ser consciente de"
Now let's see some examples for you to practice and see how to use
this Spanish expression:
Soy consciente de eso.
I am aware of that.
Soy consciente de los riesgos que conllevan.
I am aware of the risks involved.
Es importante que seamos conscientes de ello.
It is important for us to be aware of that.
María está completamente consciente del problema.
Mary is fully aware of the problem.
Tom está consciente de sus limitaciones.
Tom is aware of his shortcomings.
Tom is aware of his shortcomings.
Soy consciente de lo que está en juego aquí.
I am aware of what is at stake here.
Tenemos que ser conscientes de nuestras propias responsabilidades
como padres.
We have to be aware of our own responsibilities as parents.
Desafortunadamente él no estaba consciente del peligro.
Unfortunately he was not aware of the danger.
Los conductores deben ser conscientes de que hay otros vehículos en la
Drivers must be aware of the other cars on the road.
Necesitamos ser conscientes de la naturaleza de la amenaza con la que nos
estamos enfrentando.
We need to be aware of the nature of the thread that we are dealing with.
Pero creo que es importante que ambos seamos conscientes de lo que está
pasando, no?
But I think it is important that we are both aware of what is going on,
don't you?
El público está tomando consciencia de que el cambio climático está
aumentando la probabilidad de ciertos desastres locales.
Public is becoming aware that climate change is increasing the likelihood
of certain local disasters.
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