The Colors in Spanish
Today we are going to learn how to say The Colors in Spanish: Los Colores . It's important to notice that the word "El color" is singular, and "Los colores" is plural. Now let's see how to write the colors in Spanish: Rojo = Red This word has two syllables ro - jo and is stressed on the first syllable. Verde = Green This word has two syllables ver - de and is stressed on the first syllable. Azul = Blue This word has two syllables a - zul and is stressed on the second. Rosado = Pink This word has three syllables ro - sa -do and is stressed on the second syllable. Amarillo = Yellow This word has four syllables a - ma - ri - llo and is stressed on the third syllable. Marrón = Brown This word has two syllables ma - rrón and is stressed on the second syllable. Violeta = Violet This word has three syllables vio - le - ta and is stressed on the second syllable. Morado = Purple This word has three syllables mo - ra - do and is...