The Spanish Alphabet

Today we are going to learn the Spanish Alphabet.

The Spanish Alphabet is called El Alfabeto or El Abecedario.

The Spanish Alphabet consists of 27 letters. Here you have the most updated versión given by the Royal Spanish Academy.

In this lesson you will find that learning "how to pronounce the Spanish Alphabet" is very easy.

A (a) This letter is also a vowel, it sounds like the ah sound in EnglishWords starting with A in Spanish: Ave - Avión.

B (be) This letter sounds like beh sound in EnglishWords starting with B in Spanish: Ballena - Boca.

C (ce) This letter sounds like seh sound in EnglishWords starting with C in Spanish: Casa - Corona.

D (de) This letter sounds like deh sound in EnglishWords starting with D in Spanish: Delfín - Dados.

E (e) This letter is also a vowel, it sounds like eh sound in EnglishWords starting with E in Spanish: Espejo - Elefante.

F (efe) This letter sounds like eh feh sound in EnglishWords starting with F in Spanish: Foca - Fresa.

G (ge) This letter sounds like heh sound in EnglishWords starting with G in Spanish: Gato - Guantes.

H (hache) This letter sounds like ah che sound in EnglishWords starting with H in Spanish: Helado - Hacha.

I (i) This letter is also a vowel, it sounds like ee sound in EnglishWords starting with I in Spanish: Iglesia - Isla.

J (jota) This letter sounds like hoh tah sound in EnglishWords starting with J in Spanish: Jirafa - Juguetes.

K (ka) This letter sounds like kah sound in EnglishWords starting with K in Spanish: Koala - Karate.

L (ele) This letter sounds like eh leh sound in EnglishWords starting with L in Spanish: León - Luna.

M (eme) This letter sounds like eh meh sound in EnglishWords starting with M in Spanish: Mamá - Mono.

N (ene) This letter sounds like eh neh sound in EnglishWords starting with N in Spanish: Niño - Natación.

Ñ (eñe) This letter sounds like ehn yeh sound in EnglishWords starting with Ñ in Spanish: Ñandú - Ñu.

O (o) This letter is also a vowel, it sounds like oh sound in EnglishWords starting with O in Spanish: Oveja - Ojo.

P (pe) This letter sounds like peh sound in EnglishWords starting with P in Spanish: Perro - Pelota.

Q (cu) This letter sounds like coo sound in EnglishWords starting with Q in Spanish: Queso - Quena.

R (erre) This letter sounds like eh reh sound in EnglishWords starting with R in Spanish: Rana - Reloj.

S (ese) This letter sounds like eh seh sound in EnglishWords starting with S in Spanish: Sandía - Sol.

T (te) This letter sounds like teh sound in EnglishWords starting with T in Spanish: Tomate - Tetera.

U (u) This letter is also a vowel, it sounds like oo sound in EnglishWords starting with U in Spanish: Uvas - Uñas.

V (uve) This letter sounds like oo beh sound in EnglishWords starting with V in Spanish: Vaca - Violín.

W (uve doble) This letter sounds like doh bleh oo veh sound in EnglishWords starting with W in Spanish: Waterpolo - Whisky.

X (equis) This letter sounds like eh kees sound in EnglishWords starting with X in Spanish: Xilografía - Xilófono.

Y (ye) This letter sounds like yeh sound in EnglishWords starting with Y in Spanish: Yate - Yoyó.

Z (zeta) This letter sounds like seh tah sound in EnglishWords starting with Z in Spanish: Zorro - Zanahoria.

In this video you will see the pronunciation.


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