Spanish Subject Pronouns

Today's lesson is about Spanish Subject Pronouns.

La lección de hoy trata sobre los pronombres personales en español.

A subject pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun as the subject of a sentence.

For the plural pronouns, if the group referred to is all male, use the masculine ending: nosotros / ellos.

If it is a mix of male and female, use the masculine ending too: nosotros / ellos

If it is all female, use the feminine ending: nosotras / ellas.

Juan, Pedro y Ana escuchan música. Ellos escuchan música.

Juan, Pedro and Ana listen to music. They listen to music.

Juana y María están felices. Ellas están felices.

Juana and María are happy. They are happy.

Use “tú” for people you know well, such as family, friends, and younger people. This is the informal way to say “you”.

Use “usted” to show respect. It’s used with older people and people you do not know so well. This is the formal way to say “you”.

Estoy bien. ¿Y ?

I’m fine. And you?

Estoy bien. ¿Y usted?

I’m fine. And you?

There is no equivalent subject pronoun for the English form “it” in Spanish. So how do you say it? You don’t. You simply omit this subject pronoun altogether:

La ciudad es bonita. / Es bonita

The city is nice. / It is nice.

El coche es nuevo. / Es nuevo.

The car is new. / It is new.

Personal pronouns in Spanish are used almost the same way as their English equivalents. However, the main difference is that in Spanish they do not need to be expressed since the verb endings identify the subject. 

Quiero estudiar en el extranjero

I want to study abroad

Eres una persona divertida

You are a very funny person.

If the context in not clear, we need to use the personal subject pronouns, specially when referring to the third person (singular or plural) to identify properly the subject, since it can be feminine or masculine.

Él es muy inteligente.

He is very smart.

Ellas son muy bonitas.

They are very pretty.

I have covered most of the key areas you need to know to start recognising and using personal subject pronouns in Spanish. Keep practising, and enjoy!

Watch the video about the Spanish Subject Pronouns.


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