The Colors in Spanish

Today we are going to learn how to say The Colors in Spanish: Los Colores.

It's important to notice that the word "El color" is singular, and "Los colores" is plural.

Now let's see how to write the colors in Spanish:

Rojo = Red
This word has two syllables ro - jo and is stressed on the first syllable.

Verde = Green
This word has two syllables ver - de and is stressed on the first syllable.

Azul = Blue
This word has two syllables a - zul and is stressed on the second.

Rosado = Pink
This word has three syllables ro - sa -do and is stressed on the second syllable.

Amarillo = Yellow
This word has four syllables a - ma - ri - llo and is stressed on the third syllable.

Marrón = Brown
This word has two syllables ma - rrón and is stressed on the second syllable.

Violeta = Violet
This word has three syllables vio - le - ta and is stressed on the second syllable.

Morado = Purple
This word has three syllables mo - ra - do and is stressed on the second syllable.

Naranja = Orange
This word has three syllables na - ran - ja and is stressed on the second syllable.

Blanco = White
This word has two syllables blan - co and is stressed on the first syllable.

Negro = Black
This word has two syllables ne - gro and is stressed on the first syllable.

Gris = Grey
This word only has one syllable.


El cielo es azul (the sky is blue)

Mi vestido es rojo (My dress is red)

Mis zapatos son negros (My shoes are black)

El rojo, el verde y el azul son colores primarios. (Red, green and blue are the primary colors)

Watch the video to see the pronunciation of the Colors in Spanish.


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