The Four Basic Operations in Spanish

Today you are going to learn how to say add, subtract, multiply and divide in Spanish.

Addition in Spanish is Suma.

Subtraction in Spanish is Resta.

Multiplication in Spanish is Multiplicación.

Division in Spanish is División.



Let's see how to say in Spanish: 9 + 7 = 16

nueve más siete es igual a dieciséis

You can see the "plus" sign is called in Spanish más.

The equal sign is called "es igual a" which means equals or is equal to.

A more informal way to say the equal sign in Spanish is using the word "es" which means is.

nueve más siete es dieciséis


Let's see how to say in Spanish: 30 - 12 = 18

treinta menos doce es igual a dieciocho

The minus sign in Spanish is called menos


Let's see how to say in Spanish: 10 x 5 = 50

diez por cinco es igual a cincuenta.

The multiplication sign in Spanish is called por


Let's see how to say in Spanish: 30 ÷ 2 = 15

treinta entre dos es igual a 15

The multiplication sign in Spanish is called entre.

In this video you will see the pronunciation in Spanish of today's lesson.


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