The Numbers in Spanish

Today we are going to learn the Numbers in Spanish - Los Números.

1 (uno): Number one in Spanish has two syllables u - no and is stressed on the first syllable.

2 (dos): Number two in Spanish only has one syllable.

3 (tres): Number three in Spanish only has one syllable.

4 (cuatro): Number four in Spanish has two syllables cua - tro and is stressed on the first syllable.

5 (cinco): Number five in Spanish has two syllables cin - co and is stressed on the first syllable.

6 (seis): Number six in Spanish only has one syllable.

7 (siete): Number seven in Spanish has two syllables sie - te and is stressed on the first syllable.

8 (ocho): Number eight in Spanish has two syllables o - cho and is stressed on the first syllable.

9 (nueve): Number nine in Spanish has two syllables nue - ve and is stressed on the first syllable.

10 (diez): Number ten in Spanish only has one syllable.

In this video you will see the pronunciation of Numbers from 1 to 10 in Spanish.

11 (once): Number eleven in Spanish has two syllables on - ce and is stressed on the first syllable.

12 (doce): Number twelve in Spanish has two syllables do - ce and is stressed on the first syllable.

13 (trece)Number thirteen in Spanish has two syllables tre - ce and is stressed on the first syllable.

14 (catorce): Number fourteen in Spanish has three syllables ca - tor - ce and is stressed on the second syllable.

15 (quince): Number fifteen in Spanish has two syllables quin - ce and is stressed on the first syllable.

16 (dieciséis)Number sixteen in Spanish has three syllables die - ci - séis and is stressed on the last syllable.

17 (diecisiete)Number seventeen in Spanish has four syllables die - ci - sie - te and is stressed on the third syllable.

18 (dieciocho): Number eightteen in Spanish has three syllables die - cio - cho and is stressed on the second syllable.

19 (diecinueve): Number nineteen in Spanish has two syllables die - ci - nue - ve and is stressed on the third syllable.

20 (veinte): Number twenty in Spanish has two syllables vein - te and is stressed on the first syllable.

In this video you will see the pronunciation of Numbers from 11 to 20 in Spanish.

21 (veintiuno): vein - tiu - no. The stress is on the second syllable.
22 (veintidós): vein - ti - dós. The stress is on the last syllable.
23 (veintitrés): vein - ti -trés. The stress is on the last syllable.
24 (veinticuatro): vein - ti -cua -tro. The stress is on the third syllable.
25 (veinticinco): vein - ti - cin - co. The stress is on the third syllable.
26 (veintiséis): vein - ti - séis. The stress is on the last syllable.
27 (veintisiete): vein - ti - sie - te. The stress is on the third syllable.
28 (veintiocho): vein - tio - cho. The stress is on the second syllable.
29 (veintinueve): vein - ti - nue - ve. The stress is on the third syllable.
30 (treinta): trein - ta. The stress is on the first syllable.

In this video you will see the pronunciation of Numbers from 20 to 30 in Spanish.

30 (treinta): trein - ta. The stress is on the first syllable.
40 (cuarenta): cua - ren - ta. The stress is on the second syllable.
50 (cincuenta): cin - cuen - ta. The stress is on the second syllable.
60 (sesenta): se - sen - ta. The stress is on the second syllable.
70 (setenta): se - ten - ta. The stress is on the second syllable.
80 (ochenta): o - chen - ta. The stress is on the second syllable.
90 (noventa): no - ven - ta. The stress is on the second syllable.
100 (cien): this word only has one syllable.

In this video you will see the pronunciation of Numbers from 30 to 100 in Spanish.


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